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Everything posted by -GD-X

  1. yeah, i like that it's open too. 2 was super linear.
  2. i wish they added a section in the game where you get high on some pcp-like drug and that's how everyone looks.
  3. i saw a compilation of some hitman kills. they are hilarious. i need to finally play these games.
  4. i think think this is something i'll dig. i tend to like more chill experiences now (getting old? lol). i will pick this up. thanks!
  5. how long is it? is it an easy game? would you say it has a more relaxed vibe, since it's slow-paced?
  6. respect man. i still haven't beaten the game with claire yet. i fear my love for gaming is dying. it's like i have a super short attention span for them now.
  7. i dug the first. i will play this.
  8. That’s a pretty amazing commercial.
  9. Enjoyed the beach today South Florida winters
  10. i wouldn't be surprised. origins had more dev time. that game looked amazing.
  11. i remember the part where you walk, in the rain, on top of the train in re 0. that was, visually, one of the most impressive things i had seen that gen, up there with the forest part they added in re remake.
  12. i loved 0. i never understood why others didn't. edit: bought a gc for re remake and 0.
  13. this thread has delivered in spades the last few pages
  14. https://www.boredpanda.com/anti-vaxxer-asking-measles-protection-advice/?fbclid=IwAR39VxL7JFwQMaiFGj0Re5TC_0acw6eFn9IRkZp9GsgUrcOpKJMPLMx2GaI&utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=organic a few posts lol
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