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Everything posted by -GD-X

  1. lmfao!!!! that rocks! i didn't realize jimbo was 69 years-old
  2. i played resident evil in 1998. holy shit...it singlehandedly made me a harcore gamer, back then. i hadn't played anything for like 3 years, prior, because i was more into sports.
  3. I will give re 4 credit for being the gameplay inspiration for better franchises like gears and dead space.
  4. dead space 2 was my personal favorite. excellent game.
  5. exactly! when i replayed it....i didn't remember it being so corny. even with re remake's cheesy dialog, the mansion still is a treat to explore.
  6. i originally loved re 4, because i was a hardcore re fanboy. it wasn't until i replayed it, where i was like "wait, this kind of sucks"... nostalgia has clouded my view on many older games/movies.
  7. yeah, i get the hate for heavy rain and beyond 2 souls, but detroit was amazing. it's the only game i've ever plat'd. i loved seeing all of the different scenarios, and was amazed by all of the potential plot/subplot developments. while the story, in general, is all too familiar in sci-fi, detroit's characters truly resonated with me.
  8. the game is unplayable now. 0 atmosphere. clunky controls. shit setting. at least re remake, despite its awful tank controls, has great atmosphere. 4 was a great action-adventure game for its time, but it sucks now. 5 was worse (my biggest disappointment last gen)
  9. re 4 is garbage now. as for re 2 remake - it's what the fans wanted: classic re atmopshere and a mix of exploration/combat/tension/puzzles...but with a more modernized combat system.
  10. -GD-X

    Mr. X²

    2 of them? Shiiii. I would have rage quit lol
  11. And this is why I have never left South Florida. I’ll be hitting the beach on the morning
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