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Everything posted by -GD-X

  1. i get the idea of wanting to collect stuff. heck, i used to collect dvds/cds. so props on your find. i'm the complete opposite now. i try to get rid of as much clutter as possible (i don't even own physical releases of games anymore).
  2. I saw The Favourite. It was great, except for the ending. Razor sharp wit, though.
  3. i hope it's not included. the tech is cool, but i get motion sickness from it. so, a $400/$500 console w/ power is all i want.
  4. -GD-X


    there are not enough threads about you
  5. yeah, the mid-gen refresh threw a curveball, which i like. the one x is still a very powerful machine. the ps4pro is solid, but it's not a 4k machine (unlike the one x). so, i can see sony dropping something first. but i'm ok with 2021. devs continue to raise the bar with what's available.
  6. i think fall 2020, at the earliest. the ps4 is still selling like crazy.
  7. Exactly. I played last light on pc maxed out..and holy fuck!
  8. The characters look dated and have poor animation.
  9. word! i remember being so blown away by the first 2, especially the second. it blew my fucking mind. the environments and lighting in 3 look like a beefed up 2, but the character models look very 2014.
  10. indeed. especially the character models. they look kind of bad. poor animations too.
  11. the gameplay is pretty standard FPS, and it's all extremely linear. the atmosphere sells it, though.
  12. no, it's proof that MS is acquiring capcom and nintendo.
  13. married with children was ahead of its time. it was definitely one of the most groundbreaking comedies ever.
  14. eh, in miami, myspace was essentially the first tinder.
  15. it was whore central. i gotta give it some love.
  16. i enjoyed the first 2. this looks solid. the writing seems awful, but i never cared for the story in 1 or 2 anyhow. great lighting and texture work in the environments. the people still look janky. i will buy it and flip it.
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