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Everything posted by -GD-X

  1. I had to delete all of my crazy FB post/memes like 5 years ago, because we were told that we could get fired for inappropriate posts, even if the company isn’t mentioned on the profile. I ended up deleting Facebook altogether, about a year ago. Everybody is so sensitive now.
  2. to be fair, i did turn it on a few weeks ago.....to charge my bluetooth headphones with its usb port
  3. ohhh... yeah, i was getting crazy slowdown. i had to basically do a factory restore (took it to the MS store). i'm assuming it's ok. i haven't played anything on it in over 3 months. i even sold my copy of fh4. lost interest.
  4. i never made a second thread. and i ended up selling the OG xbone instead
  5. the way: remastered i picked it up for a buck. great puzzle platformer, similar to out of this world
  6. 508-507-2209 is a masterpiece! i love lucas.
  7. i remember when that song was used in south park, because tom cruise and travolta wouldn't come out of the closet
  8. i see nothing wrong with a little bump and grind
  9. the 1060 is a great card. scale back some of the settings, and it can do 4k at 30 fps just fine.
  10. i work 50 -60 hours a week. cheer up.
  11. Nah. It’s actually pretty good. The finale was fucked up.
  12. Pm me too. I don’t mind Netflix (I use it like crazy), but I’m looking to ditch cable.
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