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Everything posted by -GD-X

  1. If you are fine with 1080p, stick with the OG PS4 and get the switch.
  2. Hmmm...it’s more of an innovative platformer than it is a “traditional” shooter. I haven’t played the multiplayer yet, but I hear it’s the best aspect. However, I really dug the campaign.
  3. Hmmm...it’s more of an innovative platformer than it is a “traditional” shooter. I haven’t played the multiplayer yet, but I hear it’s the best aspect. However, I really dug the campaign.
  4. -GD-X


    Ya, it has the most scalable difficulty I’ve ever seen. The game is a work of Art too. Excellent level design.
  5. -GD-X


    You can scale the difficulty. Heck, you can even make it where you can’t die.
  6. so i started watching this show You (yes, a chick i'm dating guilted me into it). i gotta say..it's addictive if you are looking for something to watch with the lady check it out. it's kind of like a stalker version of dexter. lots of twists and the writing is surprisingly sharp.
  7. probably the only 69 the lemmings will ever experience. so, there's an upside.
  8. also, xbox had project gotham racing 1 and 2, quantum redshift (fuck the review, the game owned), and rallisport challenge 2.
  9. pm accolade. homeboy is stuck in the 90's. he'll hook ya up with a crt.
  10. No physical units. I sold everything, or have them on digital.
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