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Everything posted by -GD-X

  1. I sure as hell can’t do them. I’m working my way back to pistols. Right now, I do shrimp squats, assisted pistols, and deep static lunges (much harder than they sound)
  2. Do upper twice a week; lower twice a week. The other 3 days are for rest. For upper, do 5 sets of a variation of a push up. Once you can do 20 reps, progress to the next variation. Do 5 sets of a variation of a pull up. Again, once you can 20 reps, progress to the next variation. i like to do sets like this: push/pull/push/pull/push/pull/push/pull/push/pull you can easily do this in 30 min, and every muscle will get hit. Contrary to what broscience suggests, push ups (especially archers) can build a big
  3. Ok, what do you have access to? How many days a week can you train? How long can you spend training each session?
  4. Do you have access to weights? Or do you only do calisthenics?
  5. Lol I was asked to make this thread in the diet one. I barely ever make threads either
  6. Hmm yeah possibly. I have a friend who looks even bigger than me, and we are the same weight and height.
  7. And the shirt says “first I game, then I adult” lol ironically, I haven’t game’d much.
  8. I currently eat whatever I want. If I get too bulky, I drop 500 calories. If I get too lean, I add 500. I currently do a upper/lower/rest/repeat cycle, so everything gets hit twice a week (4 to 5 days of training a week). I do 0 cardio, but I do lots of antagonistic supersets, with minimal breaks, to keep the heart rate elevated. I eat 150 -175 grams of protein a day. The rest is fat/carbs. I eat chocolate bars and pizza, if I want. I just don’t overindulge. My goals: cut up more.
  9. Damn, I can’t believe this thread is still going. Some of the posts
  10. Agreed. I never even liked the Batman games. Spider-Man is in a league of its own.
  11. Yeah, it was a great, and trippy, experience. I look forward to season 5 too.
  12. Got every ending in Bandersnatch. Really awesome experience.
  13. Coherence Moon 2001 space odyssey Alien Gattica Source code Blade runner Annihilation Terminator 1 Sunshine
  14. God of war has taken a shit on every Xbox game this gen. HermitB got owned
  15. I think it’s pretty awesome. I love the whole breaking the 4th dimensional wall aspect.
  16. you do realize insulin has been called the most anabolic hormone, right?
  17. that's not a bad idea at all. maybe i'll start a "new years fitness" thread.
  18. there are many diets lifters follow, in terms of daily meal frequency and macros. however, the one tried and true rule that always works (again, this can be tailored to one meal a day or 6) - eat 500 calories more/less than your daily maintenance amount, depending on your goals. for example: i burn about 2,500 calories. if i want to build muscle, i take in 3,000. if i want to cut up, i take in 2,000. it's not rocket science. if i find i'm losing too much muscle on a cut, i swap some of the carbs/fat for more protein. i do the same if i'm getting too soft on a bulk. this is considered a clean
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