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Everything posted by -GD-X

  1. man, there are so many fucked crimes we don't even report - there's no time in the shows. we just cherry pick the strongest ones. there's definitely a serious problem in northwest miami-dade and miami gardens. holy fuck. i do think the white cuban politicians only care about the gables, hialeah, sweetwater and kendall.
  2. damn, i never finished 2 and didn't play 3. i would get that.
  3. that was my favorite launch game. such ownage!
  4. playing yoku's island express on my switch. that shit is fun as fuck!
  5. no clue. yeah, it has some shit areas in the city, but it's a lot better than miami. you can't even compare the two.
  6. add miami to the list. but detroit and baltimore have to be the worst.
  7. oh shit. that would actually be pretty enticing.
  8. yeah, i can see that. i just loved all the call backs to older seasons. the murder house one was awesome, and even wrapped up several arcs from season 1.
  9. shiii i have like 50 grams of sugar right after i lift weights. i , personally, feel better with a 50 gram whey protein/50 gram of sugar post workout drink.
  10. i'm not saying you are keto. i was speaking, hypothetically, if you were to avoid all sugar. as for refined sugar being bad....sure. but everything is fine in moderation.
  11. i eat 1 or 2 chocolate bars a day. yet, i'm leaner than most of the dudes who eat "clean" at my work. it's all about moderation. you can eat shit, just don't fucking pig out (which a lot of fatmericans do). like...if i want a greasy cheeseburger, i get it without mayo, fries, and i just drink water. if i want a snickers...i just have 1 snickers. i will usually not crave carbs/fats during my next meal, so it all balances out. i think all of these diets are a load of crap. if i'm getting too bulky, i cut back on my overall intake. if i'm getting too lean, i eat a bit more. no rocket science. if
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