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Everything posted by -GD-X

  1. almost done with season 8 of american horror. it peaked at episode 6 (a must see for murder house fans), then slowly came undone. aside from the murder house and asylum seasons, this show always tanks on the last few eps. it's basically coven part 2 now.
  2. most vegans are vegans because they feel it's a way of protesting against animal cruelty. as for "diets", they all suck. why? there's no "one size fits all" meal plan. we all have different body types, hormone levels, activity levels. the best diet is one that works for YOU.
  3. ctr > mario kart 64 however, i played the hell out of mario kart 8. i'm done with this genre.
  4. yeah, the 360 launch was pretty awesome imo.
  5. 1. getting my nes. this system literally made me love video games. i spent dozens of hours beating super mario bros over and over. 2. the first water level in donkey country. it was magical. the music and graphics = amazing 3. playing resident evil in like 1998 (it's the game that got me back into the hobby - took 3 year hiatus); and the pscho mantis boss fight from mgs (you like castlevania). mind = blown. 4. playing zelda oot. i was really sick for several months. the game kept my sanity intact, further cementing my love for video games. 5.
  6. omg i played the 360 version of king kong. i ain't gonna front. it looked good!
  7. hmmm...i don't remember. i took a bit of a hiatus when i split up from my ex back then (seems to be a trend lol). we had so many members back then.
  8. damn .."shiny bricks"..."ps3 can't do textures"..and "wii cube-mapping" were legendary quotes last gen.
  9. tupac was a fan of the hd-dvd iirc too. but yeah, there was some dude who bought a bunch.
  10. it was a terrible idea. while i love sony's games, they make some of the dumbest decisions.
  11. so it got the same grade it always gets. nothing new.
  12. i'm kind of restructuring how i play games -- only story-based campaigns. also, i'm reconsidering opting out of 20+ hour titles, unless they are truly something special. like re 2 will be my next game. that's a definitive purchase. i would love to play rdr2 or asscreed...but they just seem like too much of a time sink.
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