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Everything posted by -GD-X

  1. season 3 is excellent, and ends strong enough that it could be a series finale.
  2. yeah, it's an excellent game - easily the best in the franchise. just too much deja vu.
  3. i will wait to see actual AAA content. i don't get dick happy over announcements lol.
  4. nah. i've been dating a lot of women. it's like a second job. i have 5 years to make up for lol.
  5. let's face it, MS tends to ruin developers (rare, for example). also, they have flopped pretty had this gen. they easily have the worst first party titles.
  6. ha yeah i barely game, or even watch tv/movies now. it has to be a something worth setting aside time for.
  7. i'm considering getting rid of the game. amazon will give me a $70 credit (i only paid $80) . i think 2 and 3 kind of burnt me out on the franchise.
  8. RIP. A real and respected president, unlike that clown Trump.
  9. Getting a rimjob = godly
  10. ok, that's what i thought. great system. i had all kinds of music in my hdd. quantum redshift = most under appreciated gem that gen. i was a big otogi fan too. i have some fun memories co-oping halo, as well. i was a boss at crimson peak and pgr 2 (would play both online).
  11. wait, did your xbox 1 die? or your xbox one?
  12. that meme is classic that shit killed me when i first saw it.
  13. yeah, i saw that. a damn shame. however, i felt like season 3 ended on a strong enough note for a series finale, even if there was more story to tell. personally, i don't think season 4 could top matt's struggles and character depth.
  14. i liked TR, but they dropped the ball with the set pieces. 80% of the game is in caves/water. it had the best puzzles since underworld, though. the story was terrible, but i never cared for the stories tbh.
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