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Everything posted by -GD-X

  1. The OG Xbox with the duke controller was awesome
  2. i've never played them. for some reason, i always thought it was some easy platforming franchise. is it challenging?
  3. -GD-X


    this is a AAA thread.
  4. people have netflix for their awesome exclusive content. no loss.
  5. -GD-X


    my favorite video is of this jaguar killing a crocodile. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eu1by5-BpTA
  6. -GD-X


    damn, thanks for posting this vid. loved the ending! felines
  7. Spider-Man was a big surprise for me. It was probably the best mix of gameplay/story I’ve played this year.
  8. i have the iphone version. the game is awesome.
  9. Sony saved gaming while Xbox tried to kill it.
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