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Everything posted by -GD-X

  1. xbox isn't a grower or a shower
  2. damn, and that graphics, side from the water, are ugly af
  3. hundreds of hours on a game with 2 or 3 hours of content. mindblowing!
  4. eh, xbox will be a smart phone service soon. so, it's all good.
  5. well this blows. it's the first time i haven't gotten anything on BF or CM. oh well.
  6. i already have it pre-purchased. can't wait. i'll actually take time off work for this.
  7. whoah elaborate please. i haven't played it yet.
  8. 1. detroit 2. spiderman 3. god of war 4. farcry 5 5. celeste i still haven't played quite a few games.
  9. sounds like this has significantly fewer puzzles. pass.
  10. The first one was a lot of fun. I hope 3 delivers.
  11. That’s been my fear with gaming lately. I haven’t turned on my PS4/Xbox in like a month. I’m just too busy. I want 4-6 hour titles.
  12. It’s my GOTY. It’s the only title I’ve ever plat.
  13. I have never played a Pokémon game (other than go on my phone). What is it like?
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