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Everything posted by -GD-X

  1. it will flop harder than the republicans fighting for the house.
  2. nah. i mainly come here when i'm waiting for video at work, or graphics are rendering. i find it's very hard to make time for gaming, now that i'm barely home. i haven't touched the xbox/ps4 in like 3 weeks. funny enough, i game a shit load more when i'm in serious relationships.
  3. 12 more OG xbox and 360 games coming to gamepass.
  4. looks gorgeous! i hope there's some challenge. it looks easy.
  5. hot sauce and i replied at the same time. lol.
  6. "each of the handful of boss battles, though, kept me stuck for a long time, as I labored through dust-ups with enemies that seemed absurdly overpowered and virtually invulnerable to damage. Worse than simply losing these battles was how consistently vague they proved to be. " it's not simple. in fact, Wildly uneven difficulty, was a con the combat is simplistic, which is used appropriately, based on the content of the review.
  7. Omg there may be a recount in Florida in the senate race. Kill me edit: electronic hold up gah
  8. Yup. We are worried about a potential recount.
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