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Everything posted by -GD-X

  1. says the guy who owns a SD. clearly, you know there's a rising demand for high-end handhelds. i'd take a real handheld over this overpriced shitty device - the same thing my phone can already do lol.
  2. i would be down for sony to make a true handheld. no gimmicks. no proprietary storage. i'm not asking for a lot lol.
  3. I will definitely get this, but when it’s on sale. There are other games I need to catch up on.
  4. sure. i'm getting GP that month. it's a no-brainer.
  5. damn..that second pic....looks like real-life. wtf?
  6. shiii...2004 here lol. i remember when there was like 4 of us lol. once sw2 took off in the spring that year, only a tiny handful of us were posting during the summer of 2004: me, javier, nsoldier and htp. oh and xsuperman. so 5 of us. then it became 10 peeps then 15...and so on. at one point, this site was worth like 50k lol.
  7. i'm finally watching season 2 of only murders in the building. nina is hot af!
  8. Steam Deck? There's a huge community on reddit.
  9. i'm glad the game is closer to 50/60 hours than 100. i will definitely check it out.
  10. yeah, it's weird. i've been reading about framerate issues, even though gpu/cpu aren't being maxed. it appears it was rushed out. i'm sure a patch will eventually fix it.
  11. looks a bit rough in spots, but quite good in other areas. i will play it when it drops.
  12. well if your co-worker doesn't want one, then PS5 is clearly doomed.
  13. it took 3 years, but cyberjunk finally looks like the game it was hyped to be.
  14. Looking forward to your thoughts on Diver.
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