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Everything posted by -GD-X

  1. same. and that's awesome about the diving license. i suffer from vertigo, so i can't dive
  2. i love eating pussy too. when that body starts convulsing =
  3. damn, this looks awesome! i love art house horror. amazon studios has some cool content coming out.
  4. ps4 will still sell the most units. best system since the ps2
  5. ya, halloween is like the only time i put everything on hold. so many whores half naked and down for whatever
  6. ha that's great! but fuck man..too many halloween parties this weekend. i will start playing sunday/monday (picking it up tomorrow, though)
  7. i remember when that was the ultimate lighting tech demo.
  8. an old e-machine has more AAA exclusives than the xbone. incredible.
  9. looks like i'll be picking this up. the hype got me. i still gotta trade in tomb raider.
  10. xbox is still getting murdered by the ps4. but teh growth
  11. it's ugly as fuck, yet still has poor image quality? LOL
  12. i have to agree. in motion, you are going to get motion blur (which appears to be the case with the pro) regardless, the one x version looks better.
  13. damn, i gottta give credit where credit is due. this game looks pretty amazing on the one x. it doesn't have the speed of ass creed or spiderman, but damn...those storms
  14. nah, most castlevania games are pretty easy.
  15. AAA exclusives congrats, hermits. it's good to see there's still strong competition between the real factions (cows/sheep/hermits)
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