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Everything posted by -GD-X

  1. The room 3 is great, but it’s a bit too open. Old sins scaled things back for the better.
  2. In his case, you are 100% correct. However, if you get sufficient protein and keep all/most of your existing muscle during a cut, you won’t gain fat after. Actually, the first few weeks of a clean bulk, following a cut, are the most anabolic. You gain the most muscle. But yeah, starvation (or gimmick) diets lose weight, but also cause muscle wasting (causing the metabolism to crash). That’s why strength training is critical, especially on a cut. Most of my friends who compete still lift heavy on a caloric deficit (they just cut down volume) . They don’t do the “high reps” thing. Most don’t ev
  3. And home gyms are fine. I haven’t been to the gym in forever. I just do advanced calisthenics and suspension training.
  4. Waste of time. Just drop 500 calories from your daily caloric intake. If you are losing a pound a week, and are gaining/maintaining strength, you’ll cut up. It’s not complicated.
  5. I haven’t game’d much. I’ve been playing The Missing, here and there, and really love it! But I can’t cimmit more than a few hours a week to gaming until maybe next year. I probably will play asaasin’s creed and red dead then.
  6. The versions will have marginal differences. But when your console has no exclusives, you need to try and find some kind of ammo
  7. Fh4 is great, but I’m getting a little burnt out on the formula, even with the seasons thing. I put in a good 20 hours, though. I’ll play it more as the year progresses.
  8. GOW was awesome. However, those two games are MY gotys. It’s subjective. They just resonated with me more.
  9. Spider-Man and Detroit are my GOTYs. So glad to see Spider-Man kicking ass, along with PlayStation. Poor xbox lol
  10. hmmm maybe this will get me to like gwent, since there's a story to it.
  11. eh, i like twisted memes. these nerd ones are all crap imo.
  12. ya i loved it. fuck, too much good content on netflix lately.
  13. most conservatives couldn't care less about russia either. in the us, we have a "not in my backyard" attitude. so, attacks outside of the states mean jack shit to most of us.
  14. season 3 was godly! i can't wait for this!
  15. oh it's just russia. we couldn't care less. that would be like russians caring about the mass shootings in the states. i would never expect them to give a shit.
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