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Everything posted by -GD-X

  1. -GD-X

    RIP Sears

    what do michael jackson and sears have in common? they both have little boys' pants half off. i'll always cherish that joke.
  2. i actually like that it's not some special edition design, and that it's a regular bundle. $500 is good for the one x + $60 game + $30 game.
  3. i agree. shenmue 1 was the first game that made me feel like i was in an actual virtual world. i loved it.
  4. I couldn’t agree more. Man, rewatch the first 15 minutes of ep 6. The camera work is some of the best ever.
  5. Rewatching episode 6 of hill house. That single take
  6. does this tie into the first game? i don't even remember the original's story.
  7. there are some hot gamer chicks in south florida.
  8. -GD-X

    RIP Sears

    yeah, sears has been almost phased out of south florida too. there's like only one i can think of. and can't recall the last time i've seen a kmart.
  9. https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/p/xbox-one-x-1tb-console-forza-horizon-4-bundle/91cz0kn9rzhg/h2q3?WT.mc_id=PromoEmail_15676_en_US_October_Xbox_Bundles_MSFT_10-3-18_Module_2_Xbox_XboxOneX_Bundle_FH4_2A&activetab=pivot%3aoverviewtab pretty sweet deal
  10. that's like my buddy and his wife. she plays call of duty, and spent like 100 hundred hours on mario odyssey.
  11. ha same here! god bless having my own office.
  12. eh, she will have to be really independent. my ex is an amazing person, but she always wanted to be with me 100% of the time (some guys like that), and ended up wanting a family (she originally didn't since she was a model/tv personality). so, i'm not looking to settle down. i actually like waking up alone since i'm grumpy as fuck in the mornings lol. however, if i meet someone who shares the same interests, and i can tolerate in the mornings, then yeah. why not. but no marriage! nor will i ever do joint accounts. fortunately, aside from the house we sold, my ex and i never had joint expenses
  13. this. as much as i love gaming/tv...i love actually being out and doing stuff, or having someone over.
  14. it's tough man. ironically, i had more time to game when i was married, since we were stuck in a rut (worked/ate/watched tv/fucked/played video games when she slept/repeat). now that i'm dating again, i'm out a lot....and i have about 5 - 10 hours a week to game/watch tv. if there's something i really want to play/watch, i have to basically not go out, which sucks. but i'll do it. i'm so behind on so many games/tv series now. my ex and i would watch a lot of the same shows, so that made the tv part easy. but some of these chicks i meet hate watching tv, so...
  15. Finished haunting of hill house. Ep 9 was the best one imo, but the finale does a great job of solving numerous mysteries, and giving an ending with emotional depth. What an incredible show, and story.
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