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Everything posted by -GD-X

  1. those gifs remind me of ps4 kicking the xbox one's ass.
  2. oh, like is said, it will be a10/10 for me. i would like to see it reflected in the scores too, but won't be surprised if it isn't. we shall see!
  3. lemmings pretending that most lemshits own a one x. most will be playing the worst version on the OG one
  4. https://www.usgamer.net/articles/horizon-zero-dawn-review practically every game lol
  5. the game will be a 10/10 with its fans. that's all that matters. i just don't see it being the massive jump 3 was, which i can see it getting docked points for. heck, even some of the best forza titles got 8's, because there were already several great ones out.
  6. crack and meth are cheaper.
  7. damn, i may get this on the cheap - now that the puzzles (some were so bad, mechanically) can be modified or removed. from ign: "Gameplay-wise, Full Body seems to be catering to both hardcore and casual players at the same time. Catherine’s puzzles – especially in the later levels – can be quite difficult, and several of my friends gave up on it for that reason. Full Body offers various ways to play through Vincent’s nightmares even if you aren’t up for the challenge and stress that comes with it. There is the Safety Mode that gets rid of the time limit, game over and traps. The un
  8. I don’t know why this thread made me think of that meme
  9. I know man! I couldn’t put the controller down. It was such a rush.
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