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Everything posted by -GD-X

  1. true. i return mail to my neighbors. i can afford my own phone. but if were to steal one...it would at least be a good one lol.
  2. especially over a shitty phone too. it's not like it's an iphone xs or a note 3.
  3. true. but it's still a good dig. i know lots of peeps who still have og xbox/360 games. hell, i recently revisited mass effect on the one x. even without specific enhancements, it ran significantly smoother and upscaled nicely.
  4. Whenever I see Mario Kart mentioned, I always think of the song intro I made for the sheep.
  5. Here’s my gripe: snes/nes games still hold up. Ps1 games look like ass. This is a terrible idea imo.
  6. I agree!! I got a great feeling the payoff will deliver, though.
  7. Rap isn’t dead. It’s just hard finding good stuff in the cluttered mainstream. Too much mumble garbage. Though, there are plenty of great rappers out there. The genre will never die.
  8. Mario kart owns, but fh4 is on another level. I can’t think of any racer that comes close. Even people, who aren’t into conventional racers, love FH.
  9. I got via amazon (before they nixed the 20% discount)
  10. i'm glad to see fc5 get a lot of love. i really dug it, despite its imperfections.
  11. the only thing i like about mumble rap is some of the processing on the bass - it's pretty good. it's too bad it's attached to some of the worst raps ever
  12. lol that kodak black track is so bad
  13. damn that track is awesome. sick flow and beat.
  14. damn..and i got mine for $80 via amazon. that's the best $80 ever.
  15. while i don't usually care for diss rap stuff, this battle has been pretty amusing.
  16. for real! i have a lot of respect for them. hopefully, these techniques can be incorporated into programs like cinema4d. having to use a render farm blows...
  17. the foveated rendering and dlss seem pretty awesome, and clever ways to boost visuals.
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