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Everything posted by -GD-X

  1. for real! i have a lot of respect for them. hopefully, these techniques can be incorporated into programs like cinema4d. having to use a render farm blows...
  2. the foveated rendering and dlss seem pretty awesome, and clever ways to boost visuals.
  3. same. it looks informative. my adhd is through the roof today. wait, what thread am i in?
  4. damn..a mobile version of this game with actual physical controls = epic win for ninty.
  5. a lot of people liked it. i have no clue why it didn't resonate with me.
  6. ha, i hated the 2nd, but i dug the first one. PG will take it to epic levels.
  7. this is the one game where all factions have to agree that it's the best in its class.
  8. eh, that's subjective. however, i think he's ONE of the greatest.
  9. true. i should have gone that route, but amazon no longer does the 20% pre-order (my physical copy has it). oh well.
  10. wait, the expansions are included? hell yeah! i have the ultimate already ordered via amazon.
  11. yeah, i have to get around to it. my tv/game time is rather limited now, but that looks like a winner.
  12. lol no. i love my switch, but it's a secondary console. it doesn't get all of the key multiplats, which is a big deal imo.
  13. spiderman deserves its great sales. as for tomb raider, the numbers still sound quite solid. i will add to it this week. i'm really excited to play it.
  14. well it's easy to be #1 if you're the only one using it jk sheep
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