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Everything posted by -GD-X

  1. it's one of the best games this gen - easily.
  2. That’s incredible news! While I enjoyed The Path, this is definitely a step forward for him.
  3. That does look cool! But man...I got too much to play already. This is something I will cop closer to the holidays, though.
  4. I think this and Denzel Curry’s Sirens are my 2 favorite hip hop tracks this year.
  5. lol like you haven't played 5 million yakuza games
  6. funny enough, i pictured tobias from arrested development when i wrote that
  7. man...you picked a great time to catch up on gaming. lots of gems have dropped since 2016.
  8. that card will hold you over for a while.
  9. i've seen gaming laptops for $800 with the 1060. it seems like the 1060 is the best bang for the buck, if you are cool with 1080p (still a great IQ imo).
  10. ya. the reviewer didn't like tomb raider, and that's fine. shit happens.
  11. but seriously, fuck reviews. i mean...detroit is in my sig, and it's in my goty. i can't wait to play tomb raider.
  12. Yeah, all of my fellow horror friends hated the nun. Damn Shame.
  13. Holy fuck this sounds amazing! I think it would be a great mobile game, so I want to see the switch version.
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