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Everything posted by -GD-X

  1. I played 2, which I enjoyed and 3 (plus the expansions), which I loved! I still think it’s the best WRPG this gen.
  2. Instead they are crying about the “media bias” on their incel boards.
  3. But teh bias maybe Xbox games just suck. At least Forza horizon 4 will drop (the only great MS franchise left).
  4. I’ll send you a care package of midol, tampons, chocolate, and a copy of the movie beaches, crytre
  5. And there are many parts that pretty much smoke every Xbox game. Dry those tears, Crytre
  6. Crytre can’t stop crying about Sony today
  7. Lol for real. Crytre is in full effect today
  8. Yet other parts of the demo look better in the final version. And lemmings complaining about 900p
  9. I was interested in the game before. Now I’m pumped for it after watching the vid. I love all the city/ground details.
  10. The game is a technical marvel. I look forward to playing it this weekend. “Buh buh da graphics too gud they must be fake “ lemshits
  11. https://www.gamespot.com/reviews/marvels-spider-man-review-amazing-fantasy/1900-6416975/ sony
  12. Great Saul. I got goosebumps from the opening scene. I also loved how it showed the beginning of the end for several characters. I don’t know who directed the episode, but it had some excellent and clever camera work.
  13. Finished ozark season 2: 1. Wendy (incredible performance by Laura Linney) and Ruth steal the show. Also kudos to agent Roy Petty. Overall, the cast did a great job, even if the source material wasn’t always compelling. 2. The season was darker than the first. 3. Messy storytelling, but it didn’t ruin my enjoyment. 4. Lots of twists and turns (not always for the best, though). 5. The daughter is such a useless character. 6. Missed opportunity, in regards to seeing the depth of the Snell’s drug infrastructure.
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