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Everything posted by -GD-X

  1. i finished the donkey expansion for mario rabbids. that was great! it's a tight 8 hour (6 -7 if you don't do the side stuff) campaign. this is one of the better expansions i've played.
  2. Awesome season finale for the expanse. Awesome season, in general.
  3. on world 4 of the donkey kong/mario rabbids expansion. simply awesome. you can tell the ubisoft devs were hardcore DKC fans.
  4. what happened at the end? (i think the next one hits god mode)
  5. two incredible shows. TV is my love, then video games.
  6. what ep are you on? shit gets craaaaaaa later into the season.
  7. season 3 was so godly, even topping the amazing 2.
  8. i remember being a bit nervous about the series finale...wondering how they could pull it off. man....that finale blew my mind. it answered nothing, yet everything - just like it promised. it was perfection. it also stayed faithful to its quirkiness, while still tugging at the heart strings. i watched it 4 times.
  9. it's an incredible show, but i still love BB more. but that leftovers finale was mindblowing.
  10. not yet. though, i've heard a lot of negative things. i loved season 1, though.
  11. LOL the show is extremely realistic. you obviously don't hang with cops. i do, because i work with them. most speed, and some don't use their seat beats (especially in uncover vehicles). in the 70's, many people didn't wear seat belts, including law enforcement. the show is definitely a slow-burning thriller, but it rewards you for your patience. this is, in fact, how the BAU started to hunt "sequence killers" aka serial killers. but if you don't like dialogue-heavy shows, it's definitely not for you.
  12. Maybe it’s better on pc, but the use of it in the 360 version sucks imo
  13. Playing the donkey Kong expansion in Mario Rabbids. I forgot how gorgeous this game is but the gameplay is where it’s at. Donkey Kong is a badass character. I love how it’s a brand new campaign.
  14. Good. Because the OG 360 one runs like caca, unless you are playing it on the one x (improves frame rate big time). Make sure you disable film grain and motion blur.
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