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Everything posted by -GD-X

  1. 11 years later, and mass effect 1 is still godly as hell. i'll also be playing the mario rabbids expansion starting tomorrow.
  2. I think ozark and mindhunters are their best shows.
  3. Zelda isn’t for me. I tried. I put in over 10 hours. It’s a well-designed world, but I just don’t have the motivation to push on. Now im replaying mass effect 1. The last 2 eps of the expanse has made me crave this series.
  4. funny enough, that's what i've been doing. i've done about 15 shrines, so far. i've barely done any of the campaign. i just love the traversal/exploration aspect a lot. i can't say i'm a fan of the combat.
  5. yeah, i've taken the pros/cons from fans, and those who were disappointed by it. i know what to expect. i definitely won't rush it.
  6. ok, i'm finally giving zelda botw a fair chance. my boy hooked me up with the switch version, and said i should at least put in 20 hours. i can do that. i'm not expecting another OOT, so i think i have the right expectations. if at the 20 hour mark, i'm not sold...then it's not for me. i'm curious as to whether or not i'll like it.
  7. Word! The reviews for the ep were a bit polarizing, but I fucking loved it. Finally, I feel like this season has given the man in black a strong arc. The whole “shrouded in secrecy” thing was great in season 1, but I feel like we needed a more concrete motive with his character in 2. This episode delivered that. It also set up the finale perfectly, which looks insanely good.
  8. I’ve platinum’d Detroit. That was a blast! I’ve seen every ending and sub-ending. Lots of amazing stuff. My favorite trophy was the one where Connor dies in every possible way. It forces you to play the game in a completely different style, enabling you to see even more hidden content. On a side note, unless you need to kill off a major character, the casual controls are so much bettter than the experienced ones. They should have been the default controls imo. Lol at that motion crap. All in all, 9/10 game, yet my favorite, so far, this year (yes, I loved it more than
  9. Holy shit! This week’s The Expanse hit God mode.
  10. once i plat detroit, i will finally give zelda botw a full playthrough. after talking to several members, i feel like i have realistic expectations.
  11. i got my vr in the mail. i'll hook it up on e of these days.
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