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Everything posted by -GD-X

  1. It requires a good 2 or 3 full playthroughs and knowing how to use the flow chart to your advantage. My last one will be tricky. Basically, I have to have Connor die in every situation where he can, in fact, die. It’s 14 situations
  2. Yeah, it’s by far the best game in this genre. I’ve seen so many different endings.
  3. Not really. I mean..it starts off that way, but it becomes its own show later.
  4. Watched the sense8 finale. I loved it. Yet it made me sad, because there were some ideas, designed for full seasons, that were heavily rushed (for obvious reasons). Oh well, better than nothing.
  5. So here’s my quick review of hereditary: 1. It’s nowhere near being the scariest movie ever. It’s more of an unsettling thriller. 2. It’s surprisingly unpredictable. The trailer gives nothing major away...at all. 3. The mom steals the show. Holy fuck, Toni Collett deserves an award! Also, the son is great too. 4. The movie could have been 20 minutes shorter. The first half has too much of a slow burn. 5. It has some great, twisted scenes and surprises. Though, one part looked goofy. 6. The film excels with its visual/a
  6. Seeing it Saturday. Can’t wait! Let me know how it is.
  7. i don't like doing that shit in real life. i don't know what i was thinking when i bought it.
  8. i have it. i liked it at first, but i got bored. it's just not my thing.
  9. it's crazy how this thread has 1,600,000+ views.
  10. That was the best episode of westworld this season. Damn!
  11. I gotta get on it. I have been watching queen of the south with the wife. It’s an entertaining cartel show. Im actually surprised. It’s got a lightning fast pace.
  12. It better be. It’s been like a year and a half wait. I’m dying lol. But I heard they needed the extra time to make sure the continuity was on point, so I’m expecting lots of cameos, even alternate perspectives of certain breaking bad arcs.
  13. The “good” ending for Marcus is a lot better than the original one I got lol. But the completely different setting/ending for Kara is what truly blew me away. There’s still one other ending I haven’t gotten for her, but this one was a stark contrast to the first one. I recommend a second, or third, play-through - just to see all the drastic changes. Oh..and Connor can do some fucked up shit if you let him. Even his ending was completely different this time around. Oh, and play the game on easy. It eliminates the motion QTEs.
  14. Man..this last season was top tier. I can easily say it’s one of the best shows ever.
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