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Everything posted by -GD-X

  1. I’m going to finish my second playthroufh if Detroit this weekend. I’ve seen some awesome changes in the story. Now that I have “supportive” status with the public, I wonder how it will affect the overall ending (we were feared in my last one). On a side note, I’d kill for an rpg in the Detroit universe.
  2. Thanks bro! You too. And I couldn’t agree more. Oh...and that finale was perfect. It stayed true to the show’s feel. Nothing felt cheap. It was a tense, powerful ending.
  3. i heard the americans series finale was excellent. i can't wait to see it tonight
  4. i'm very anti-raicst, and even i think the employees should not have been fired. if the woman was white, this wouldn't be an issue, and they would still have their jobs.
  5. Excellent post. I would love to hear the theory.
  6. I recommend you all replaying Detroit on easy. There are no motion-based QTEs. Just saying. It’ll be easier to lock the paths you want.
  7. man...westworld is craaaaa.... i have some theories about what's going on. i hope i'm right.
  8. that’s why I play these games on easy. The QTEs are easy as fuck. Kara died in mine
  9. My ending was fucked up too.Note to self: don’t listen to sadistic broads
  10. Some of the changes in the story arcs are crazy. For example:
  11. Hmmm 8 hours? Though, there’s tons of replay value. I’m already replaying it from the beginning.
  12. Ok, it’s time to see all the alternate stuff. Godly campaign edit: I got every fucked up ending btw
  13. This game has gotten insane. But bae died Edit: I went the evil route with Connor and Marcus
  14. “Find package in men’s bathroom” oh cage, you perv
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