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Everything posted by -GD-X

  1. Beyond is dumb as fuck, but I still liked it. I’m probably the only person I know who could complete it Detroit is significantly better in every way.
  2. The truth! Man..this shit is awesome. My wife is into the game too now.
  3. I showed my wife the junk yard scene. She thought it was video. That shit looked amazing and was legit eerie. I fucking love this game.
  4. I saw solo. I liked it a lot. It didn’t try to be more than what it promised to be.
  5. Ha I purposely died twice. Now I’ll do the good hostage. I love all the different outcomes.
  6. damn, i need to get the wife to pass out early. i want to play detroit tonight
  7. woohoo!!! amazon may pick up expanse for season 4 https://qz.com/1284831/amazon-is-in-talks-to-revive-the-expanse-thanks-to-big-fan-jeff-bezos/
  8. Westworld was awesome! I’ve been waiting for a particular arc to take shape. The show delivered in spades! Cool twists and revelations too. Just a fantastic episode on all levels.
  9. Nice bro! I like the old school beard, though
  10. Growing beard out. Let’s see how it looks in a month (will post pics)
  11. Ya, season 1 kind of bombed with critics too. I’m sure it’s entertaining, but lost a lot of its novelty.
  12. tried replaying quantum break on the one x. the fidelity is definitely better. however, the slowdown during the cutscenes is awful. also, there appears to be a good amount of artifacts. i will say the particle effects look pretty sweet enhanced. but..i don't think i'll replay it. i'm going to give ori another shot, and i'm finally going to finish yakuza 0 (kept getting sidetracked by other games).
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