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Everything posted by -GD-X

  1. i haven't had any issues with the controls. but yeah, physical > touch screen for platformers.
  2. i'm in love with oddmar for ios. i can't believe this isn't on steam or switch/ps4/xbox.
  3. Ha I should. FC 1 was a gorgeous tech demo attached to a shit game. The AI was too unforgiving (nikkaz would spot me, while in stealth, from over a 100 feet away).
  4. Beat far cry 5. It’s the first game I’ve completed in the series. It was a great title, despite some annoying “capture” missions, and its silly story. I just loved the vibe. The missions (well most of them) were a lot of fun too, and the world was a blast to explore. I give it a 8.5, based on general quality. However, it’s some of the most fun I’ve had this gen, despite its flaws. And yeah lostfool, the ending was LOL
  5. Opinions are subjective. You are entitled to your view, but calling salty - salty - for liking steamy man-on-man sex makes you sound like a homophobe, since he too is entitled to his anal love (again, there's no absolutes with sexuality). You don't like his pleasure (and fetishes), and that's fine. Some people find them to be guilty pleasures, or just like the "choose your dick" format. There's no need to get so butthurt over homosexual love. It's kind of sad tbh.
  6. Quality is subjective. You are entitled to your opinion, but calling others “retarded” for liking a game makes you sound ignorant, since they too are entitled to their views (again, there’s no absolutes with opinions). You don’t like his games, and that’s fine. Some people find them to be guilty pleasures, or just like the “choose your story” format. There’s no need to get so riled up over his titles. It’s kind of sad tbh.
  7. Felt like killing rednecks, so I popped in some far cry 5. I think I’m finally getting close to completing it. But...I HATE the Jacob capture missions. The rest of the game = awesome! Oh and cheeseburger is mah homie
  8. That’s because the first couple of hours are a tutorial.
  9. yeah, i didn't like it, at first. but once it gets going, it gets insanely fun.
  10. i got kirby for the wife. i guess i'll be playing its 4 hour campaign. i'm also trying to plat GoW, and i'm playing oddmar (ios)
  11. Doing the side content in god of war. I missed out on some great missions. This is my current GOTG
  12. Glad you loved it man! It was awesome! I’ll pm you my only gripes.
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