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Everything posted by -GD-X

  1. i still don't know how i feel about the season 2 premiere of WW. i feel like i need a few more episodes to properly judge it.
  2. Beat the game. Awesome ending! and yeah, remij. I got chills during that part Edit: my score: 9.5 (up from 9.25) After a few days of processing the experience, and realizing how much content was left, it needed the boost. This is pretty damn close to perfection.
  3. I did some, but then got too into the campaign. Crazy shit!
  4. God damn...I just got a part that’s a magnificent callback to the older games straight up chills
  5. The level design in GoW is incredible. Forget the comparisons to the rise of the tomb raider, it’s more layered like Metroid prime.
  6. Damn brother try every troubleshooting method first.
  7. God damn...I just beat one hell of a boss. A true visual spectacle! And yeah, the kid’s acting is great btw. He plays off kratos’ dry lines/delivery quite well.
  8. He’s been great. Certain fast enemies die quicker with his arrows (they stun them). So I do a square + r1 combo - his arrows, my quicker strikes. I feel like the game has some of the best elements of rise of the tomb raider, especially in terms of exploring and level design. God raider i love the weapon/armor upgrades and skill tree, as well.
  9. Some of the texture work and effects are simply mind blowing.
  10. Indeed! I’m about 4 hours in. So much detail in each world. This game is, so far, exceeding my expectations.
  11. The whole tutorial section was awesome! They didn’t waste any time introducing some bad ass fights
  12. damn..i got god of war friday, far cry 5 (still have a ways to go), and then soon detroit. too much to play = best problem ever lol.
  13. not yet, but i'm pumped for the other two shows. i don't watch too many comedies.
  14. probably the most visually stunning film i've seen.
  15. Playing as much far cry 5 I can before god of war drops. I did too much side shit (fun shit though), that I feel I’m so behind in the campaign. I’m probably 50% done.
  16. So, I finally watched and completed the Netflix series 7 Seconds (from the creator of The Killing). There were some great moments and excellent performances, but the plot was stuffed with too much filler, and it had an anticlimactic ending. It’s hard to recommend, but it may connect with some, due to the gritty vibe (which was captured perfectly).
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