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Everything posted by -GD-X

  1. Damn bro, that sucks! I got lucky. The theater was dead quiet. I was really able to enjoy every bit of the movie. I was literally biting my nails from the tension.
  2. Watched two movies: A Quiet Place was awesome! A slow burner horror flick with genuinely chilling moments. Some excellent tension too! Blockers was pretty funny. It doesn’t reinvent the raunchy comedy formula, but it’s another worthy entry.
  3. eh, i think it was the setting that pulled me in. the story sucked, but i had a lot of fun exploring its world.
  4. yeah, there are some questionable campaign design choices, but it mostly works nicely. also, i haven't encountered many bugs, which is surprising for a ubisoft game. the only one that annoyed me was the tanker truck i hijacked that no longer "counted" (in the mission where you got to steal 2)... i was pissed since they blow up so easily but the main bugs are usually map related...like icons disappear or waypoints vanish. but those are very rare.
  5. hell yeah! it's pretty awesome. it's easily the best open world racing game. horizon 2 was awesome too. in some ways, it's better, in terms of its better structured campaign.
  6. nice man! i'm kind of all over the place in the game. my favorite have been faith's missions. some trippy stuff.
  7. mindhunters is my favorite netflix show. i can't wait for season 2. ozark is a close second.
  8. I’ve been rewatching the sopranos with the wife, since she’s never seen it. It’s still as great as ever. Almost done with season 2. Crazy seeing the twin towers in the intro.
  9. I’m loving far cry 5! Lots of great perks to unlock, and faith’s statue mission was a blast (literally and figuratively). I highly recommend the repair torch perk btw. If you plan on hijacking larger vehicles, it’s a must.
  10. Yeah man, you can spend hours doing miscellaneous crap. The world is awesome! Some funny/trippy stuff too. Man...i could see why you got annoyed doing missions without the guns for hire. It’s wild how they are all different too. I’ve been swapping mine around, depending on the mission.
  11. i can literally just drive around in the widowmaker...and I’m good. I fuck up so much shit
  12. Yeah, it’s not great lol. I’ve been using the gun for hire to carry out my dirty work. The vibe of the game is what makes it. It definitely has a gta (though less grand) feel to it. The world has been fun to explore.
  13. I played some this morning. It’s mindless fun. It’s gorgeous too.
  14. Yeah, it’s kind of like that. One part has me convinced I’m going to hell super demented
  15. after months of waiting, i finally got to see (and own) this gem. this is the best throwback to 80's b-slasher gorefests i've seen. there's one scene that made me laugh so hard- and i'm questioning my sanity for laughing. it's fucked up. anyhow, for those who love torture porn and/or 80's campy horror, give it a watch!
  16. yeah, it's a buggy mess. i got stuck in walls and had it crash a few times on my one x. i figured it would have all been patched by now.
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