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Everything posted by -GD-X

  1. the b sides seem to be the cream of the crop. i can't wait to try them!
  2. i like what that dude did in that vid you posted - play it with invincibility, but disable dash. that looks like a fun way to get even more mileage out of it. but thanks man! i'm close to chapter 6 (regular).
  3. yeah, they cause my hands to cramp during twich-based platformers. i can only play celeste on 30 - 60 minute intervals.
  4. Jesus remij, and I thought world 4 (non b side) was hard. I’m about to start 5
  5. Lmfao! Reminds me of meat boy and the hell levels lol
  6. I can’t even imagine how tough the other worlds are..or how hard the b/c sides are.
  7. On world 4 in Celeste. I have forgotten how punishing this game can be, especially for the harder hearts/collectibles. The level design and music = stellar
  8. i finally got stardew valley. let's see if it's really like crack lol.
  9. Just watched Veronica (horror flick on Netflix). It owned hard! It’s by the writer/director of rec 1 and 2. It’s a great entry, with some visually cool ideas, in the evil spirit subgenre.
  10. i'm close to the end. i fucking love it! how funny was the
  11. Finally saw blade runner 2049. It definitely surpassed the hype. The story, sound production, and artistic design were stellar. I dare say it’s the most, visually, impressive film I’ve seen (with fury road being #2).
  12. Yes! it gets so much better too. I’m at a crazy section now.
  13. I passed the 10 hour mark in golf story. I’m amazed by how meaty the campaign is, despite it being a $15 indie title. I probably have another 5 hours to go.
  14. it's addictive as fuck! it's also very charming. you'll love it!
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