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Everything posted by -GD-X

  1. New York was pretty cool in Wolfenstein 2. I’m digging this game now.
  2. not far. like and hour and a half in. i lol'd at the fat german and her comment about the black guy, though. oh...there are swatters transmitting a signal. i have to kill it.
  3. hahaha already playing it on "daddy, can i play too?"...or something like that.
  4. it makes me feel claustrophobic. a damn shame. i'll continue with it, but i may end up selling it.
  5. wolfenstein 2. it's kind of just ok. the graphics, while nice, are quite generic. the gunplay feels like it was meant for pc (playing it on xbox one x). but it does 4k, so that's good, right? i hope it opens up a bit more.
  6. The USS Calllister was an awesome episode of black mirror.
  7. Halo was awesome with the duke. I got halo, project Gotham racing, and munch’s Odyssey when I copped my Xbox. Oh max Payne too.
  8. The ending sequence was incredible! Awesome editing (I use “editing” to not give spoilers). I think the story has a good foundation. The acting and writing kind of hurt it a bit. However, it had that classic RE cheesiness, so I was able to overlook it.
  9. Just finished TEW2. What a godly final boss and an epic finale. The story is still crazy as fuck, but I don’t care. Badass! Also, the music (especially in the last 3 chapters) and sound design trumped the twisted imagery. I hope others felt the same way. They were stellar. I also love the musical cover of one of my favorite songs during the credits. I give this an 8.5 on a side note, I’d love to see an RE game with an open world, similar to the first half of this title.
  10. Chapter 14 of TEW2 was legit! Fortunately, I played enough of the first game to enjoy the fan service
  11. National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation. Yearly tradition <3
  12. On chapter 7 of the evil within 2. Still pretty damn awesome! I mean...the story is meh. But the atmosphere is definitely a hybrid of resident evil and silent hill.
  13. it almost feels like a mix of resident evil and silent hill, but with a sweet crafting system.
  14. it really is! it's shaping up to be one of my faves too!
  15. Damn, TEW2 just keeps getting better. I like how I have the freedom to explore various homes and businesses. Lots of incentives (and fun jumpy moments).
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