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Everything posted by -GD-X

  1. then don't even bother. they're almost the exact same type of game.
  2. I'm gonna call you ugly just to see you smile from now on
  3. if you think you are better looking, then why do you care if he doesn't? your view should be the only one you are concerned with. if some guy here said i was ugly, i would just smile
  4. oh yeah! definitely wear headphones! i'll play some more tonight, since i won't get much of a chance over the weekend.
  5. The gameplay, so far, is a mix of exploration and hide n' seek in a beautifully, twisted place. Those looking for combat, steer clear. It's non-existent. It's like amnesia, in this regard. I would only buy it if you truly love horror games. The gameplay is nothing new.
  6. Eh, I don't know if the atmosphere will be the same, unless the graphics are maxed. Surprisingly, my 7850 runs it like a champ at 1080p. The imagery looks so disturbingly detailed, that you should experience it the way it's meant to be.
  7. -cm-, you will love the atmosphere. The game is sick with headphones on.
  8. Will do! Will play more tomorrow Btw, I already jumped twice lol.
  9. I skimmed through it. Looks great! I will get it today since its on sale via ps+
  10. nice. Can you be more specific about the kind of platforming it is? Is it like a Metroidvania (since it seems to be rather open), or is it like an open world world super meat boy (insane challenge)? Are levels short or long? Frequent saves? Major/minor backtracking?
  11. Really? You think I would like it? I've been considering getting it.
  12. Yeah, when I'm playing an intense game, I like to pair it with a more casual, relaxed title. It makes me appreciate both games' tone and goals.
  13. nice, just picked it up on amazon for $15Ps+ had the vita version for either $7.50, or free (can't remember ). The dialog is corny, but it's an entertaining game with nice variety in gameplay.
  14. im pretty sure im the best looking black guy, and one of the best looking overall. Why pretend otherwise :lol:You aight
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