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Everything posted by -GD-X

  1. grandia 2 was the first jrpg i completed. it was such a blast and it was purty too
  2. Yeah I figured it would take a bit. I'm up for the challenge though
  3. i've put in 15 hours into zero escape. I love all the different endings and changing story arcs. Golem (or however you spell it) owned hard! I still have a ways to go since I'm playing it on hard and I'm trying to get all the secret codes. However, the rest should be quick to complete, since all of the earlier paths have been completed.
  4. this is true. though, i grew to like the dungeon crawling once i really started experimenting with all the different personas.
  5. You never played p3? i only played 4 it's a lot darker! i really dug the story and characters. how's the dungeon crawling? i have to admit that was my least favorite part of P4. if that's the case, complete several floors in tarturus, every couple of days (in the game), and constantly experiment with your persona fusions. the new abilities will prevent the grinding from getting tedious. plus, you'll have more power. also, you rack up more ep points if you go solo in battle, with the rest of your team doing the same (just give the order).
  6. You never played p3? i only played 4 it's a lot darker! i really dug the story and characters.
  7. yeah that one was really weird. what side of the tree are you working your way through, left right or center?A split between left and right. I haven't touch the middle yet.
  8. The 2nd ending I got was a mindfuck. I look forward to the next round It was dio's btw
  9. The pantry puzzles were more annoying than challenging. I see what you meant tb, about the annoying number puzzles. I don't mind a few here and there, but that was just boring.
  10. i love the new story elements in my second go at zero escape. the plot is very interesting and i love how certain characters now appear different this time, in terms of demeanor and mystery. also, more revelations. great stuff!
  11. yup. i'm already in the first chromatic area. i saw that you can't pick your original path. nice
  12. nice. all the passcodes are still there ok...i don't feel like there will be much backtracking now.
  13. oh....ok. i'll keep playing then. thanks for clarifying that.
  14. that blows! i don't mind a few different endings, but fuck...i just quickly browsed all the endings, and there are so many different variables. i'll replay the game down and choose different paths, down the road. the shitty ending turned me off. the puzzles were fun though.
  15. what the fuck? my game ended in zero escape. some bitch kills herself and then, i guess, i collapse..then "game over"
  16. Damn zero escape is too good. Finally, some challenging puzzles (though nothing too extreme, so far). I just finished the archives level. playing it on hard too
  17. Damn zero escape has some long cinematics in it (even longer than 999). At least there's VO this time (I remember 999 being all text). The puzzles have been solid so far. I'm at the part after you choose whether you want to be allies/betray the person you chose to add to your team.
  18. i think you'll like the puzzles a lot. some are just so damn hard that im not even ashamed to admit that i had to resort to a walkthrough on numerous occasions That's awesome to hear
  19. It was free on ps+. I dl'd it, but never played it. I should give it a go.
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