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Everything posted by -GD-X

  1. gamedrunk add me! (that goes for anyone who wants to add me ) and yeah....this game is fucking awesome!
  2. tlous, metro last light, and hotline miami (owns hard)
  3. the secret tombs could have been a great way for the devs to put in some great puzzles, for those who like the old tr games. wasted opportunity. still, i enjoyed the game.
  4. how far in are you? the first few hours are pretty weak.
  5. i never played the original, but some of the dungeons have minor puzzle elements.
  6. when i did the new game+, i had like 11 or 12 maxed social links
  7. most addictive game ever!!! are you playing the golden version? Nah I'm playing the PS2 version, they're essentially the same game and I don't want to buy a Vita again ;( they add a new character, some new scenes, new dungeon (very awesome btw), and a far better ending. damn shame. still, p4 is godly on its own. Damn, I thought it was just upgraded graphics and a new character lol. Still, having a blast with it I'll youtube the true ending ahhh man. you have to also youtube marie's scenes ( when maxing her social link) and her dungeon. she was a great addition! she added a nice touch
  8. i picked up hotline miami (and last escape - free on ps+). i look forward to trying this game out still playing tlou. i hope to get in some quality time over the weekend. Its the perfect portable game. Levels take like 2 minutes, SuperMeatBoy-esque in length. yeah, that's why i got that version. i read it's the perfect mobile game.
  9. most addictive game ever!!! are you playing the golden version? Nah I'm playing the PS2 version, they're essentially the same game and I don't want to buy a Vita again ;( they add a new character, some new scenes, new dungeon (very awesome btw), and a far better ending. damn shame. still, p4 is godly on its own.
  10. i picked up hotline miami (and last escape - free on ps+). i look forward to trying this game out still playing tlou. i hope to get in some quality time over the weekend.
  11. most addictive game ever!!! are you playing the golden version?
  12. you can't see the neggers here. i gave you a +1 though
  13. Ripe.Hey, I just stocked up on some Viagra. Can I tap dat? Hey, gameflunk - sounds more fitting thanks Good. Give me a blue waffle Flunkdaddy.Let me grab my walker and I'll head on over boo.
  14. Ripe.Hey, I just stocked up on some Viagra. Can I tap dat?Hey, gameflunk - sounds more fitting thanks
  15. 49 to be exact Wait I'm 52. Arggh this old senile brain is failing.
  16. LOLDamn you're pathetic. I know it's obviously non-existent now seeing how washed up you are, but i have a hard time believing you ever had game in the first place Pity reply Regardless.. that GIF made me ROFL.Same here, hence the "LOL"
  17. LOLDamn you're pathetic. I know it's obviously non-existent now seeing how washed up you are, but i have a hard time believing you ever had game in the first place Pity reply
  18. i'm trying to play TLOU, but i keep getting work phone calls and texts. i have only played 5 hours of it i love what i have experienced, so far, though.
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