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Everything posted by -GD-X

  1. I'm like 3/4ths into my 2nd playthrough of p4g Marie is an interesting character, btw. I didn't do her social link in my first playthrough
  2. Congrats on the degree. Thank you It'll be a while for the results, but hopefully they turn out okay.What did you major in?3D modelling and Animation double major? i'd assume they were separate coursesNah single major.
  3. Still replaying p4g I'm maxing out social links I passed up on the first time.
  4. i have a feeling it's right up my alley. i don't know why. hey, what's dark emerald's psn? i forget if he's on my friends list.
  5. grandia 2 was great! the was the last jrpg i enjoyed (and beat), prior to the persona games.
  6. Decisions..decisions..lol. I will take a break for a bit and then return to the genre. I felt like a crackhead playing p4g and p3 back to back in 1 month
  7. Thanks all!!! I'll try both. But first, I'll try out that gemini rue game tb recommended.
  8. I definitely prefer strong stories and characters over constant grinding. I would preferably want something I can play on my vita or 3ds. I don't care if it's old, as long as it still holds up well. Thanks!
  9. You gonna start another RPG?Maybe you got one in mind?
  10. I beat p3. That was a long fucking final boss fight. Sad ending ;( very great game, though p4g owns it.
  11. I bought it for the iPad. I will play that next. I've been jonzing for an adventure game. I still gotta play guacamelee too. How are the god of war games for psp? They are on sale. Also metal gear psp (the one that came out last)?
  12. i only have the last boss to beat now in p3. unlike p4g, i look forward to this game ending lol. they really dragged out the january section waaaayyy too long.
  13. Lol I lied. I'm still playing the hell out of p3. Getting close to finishing it
  14. eh...i'll take my time with the rest of the game. the grinding is getting annoying.
  15. godly game! lol i had a feeling. oh well....i'll have a powerful team
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