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Everything posted by -GD-X

  1. you've still got a fair bit to go yeah, I just realized I have to reach the top of tartarus. I got to new year's last night.
  2. i will probably beat it tonight or tomorrow. i'm almost in december.
  3. yeah, this last battle wasn't hard. i had beefed up my characters' equipment and did a little grinding to level up.
  4. just defeated the last shadow in p3. i wonder how the rest of the game will play out.
  5. Thanks again everyone for any info I've asked for, regarding these games
  6. To those who played p3, did you find you had to replay areas to build up your characters? I'm at a point now where these mid bosses keep killing me. My best persona is level 32. My stats seem kind of low too.
  7. I don't suppose you can hook me up again with a guide?
  8. are there multiple endings in p3? i'm about to fight 2 shadows, leaving just 1 (of the 12) remaining.
  9. Nooooo lol. Stay far away. P1 and P2 are so different from P3 and P4 that to you, you'll find everything you like about P3 and P4 to not be present in P2. And if you found P3P's dated interface and presentation jarring, P2 is even worse. After you finish P3 i'd recommend you just wait for P5 which is confirmed to be in development. ah ok. thanks. i just beat that tank spirit (i'm in august). any other jrpgs that are similar to persona 3/4?
  10. hey dilli, you think p2 is worth $30? once i finish 3, i know i'll be jonzing for more.
  11. yukari in the shower Lol that part was funny. Can you build a bond with her later in the game? yeah. you do some cute shit with her as part of the actual story too Nice! Lol I tried kissing that nerd chick and she got upset and cried, and our bond got ruined. Lol this game is too much. I'm also chatting with a woman on that mmorpg in the game. I have a feeling it's a dude
  12. yukari in the shower Lol that part was funny. Can you build a bond with her later in the game?
  13. Still digging p3. That hotel/mirror part owned. I'm now on summer break
  14. I can help you. Just send me your Vita in the mail in return for my positive words. Here's a taste of what you'll get "you're a good person GD " that would actually be a productive move lol. it's like the universe, in each game, is so engaging. on a side note, i like how you can take breaks from fighting in the tower when you are exhausted from combat (p3).
  15. these persona games are ruining my life. i can't stop playing. i'm already getting close to the 10 hour mark in 3....and i'm replaying 4
  16. so weird. now it let me teleport back to the 14th floor where i had left off. nice
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