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Everything posted by -GD-X

  1. Quick p4g question. I just did a save after completing it. Will my power, along with stuff like courage/understanding be as high as they were at the end of the first game? That would own and I would replay it again soon.
  2. I beat it! I'm kind of sad it's over, but relieved that I can devote my free time, alone, to other things again. That was an epic ride!
  3. Yeah, thanks! I'm glad I knew it was a particular person behind the murders, before reading the guide. I wasn't expecting a certain surprise, while fighting the last boss, though. pretty amazing stuff. This game just keeps throwing cool shit at you.
  4. Yup. Just reached the final battle (the one in spring)
  5. I'm at the final secret dungeon. I can go back to having a normal life when I'm done with the game (over 50 hours in like 2 weeks). Also, I picked up guacamole. Though I need a rest from gaming...for at least a few days once I finish p4g. I can truly say it's in my top 5 games of all time.
  6. I spent Xmas with rise. I never saw any cat fights between my 4 girlfriends. Oh well, I guess that was just a rumor.
  7. I finished the seekers of truth sections. Pretty epic!
  8. Cleo, I see what you meant when you said I was right and wrong about the murderer in p4
  9. My next game. I too will play on dat vita then it'll be persona 3!
  10. Damn bro, we like real bros...liking genres we normally don't care for
  11. the seekers of truth section owns so far. damn, this is getting really good!
  12. i LOVE it! i've become obsessed. i don't have a lot of free time, yet i have put in like 35 hours in less than 2 weeks (that's a lot for me!) i have 4 relationships in the game too. i'm waiting for a cat fight! GD is a pimp even in games i'm working on my 5th
  13. i LOVE it! i've become obsessed. i don't have a lot of free time, yet i have put in like 35 hours in less than 2 weeks (that's a lot for me!) i have 4 relationships in the game too. i'm waiting for a cat fight!
  14. I refuse to believe that's the only murderer. I'm sticking with my prediction earlier Holy shit. I've already hit the 35 hour mark :noway
  15. Lol Just finished the return of the angels boss in p4. What a long fucking fight!!
  16. i just got the letter in p4. my theory on the kilers: Spoiler i think it's 2 people involved (not including the teacher's death). i still feel that one cop is involved (hangs around junes/ "accidentally" reveals details in a boasting way/ knows you are connected to the case). however, based on the video they showed, after getting the letter, someone else is in on it too. i just don't know who yet.
  17. better than yumi. what a debbie downer. i like yuki's laugh ;(
  18. i want to replay the game and do things a little differently. for instance, i kind of dropped the basket ball team and drama club, and i only work at the hospital (i think my character banged the nurse). i'm like obsessed with the game.
  19. september. i maxed out yukiko and we are in a relationship. i'm also in a relationship with rise, and i'm close to maxing her out (9/10). chie is at 8/10.
  20. i only suspect adachi because he seems weird and he's always lurking around junes.
  21. lmfao I think someone like you could easier see it coming. After seeing it in a lot of jrpgs, you kinda just accept it, where as you look at Naoto and you say something is definitely wrong here... Still, damn dude you're almost done. You're like 70-80% done And Persona 4 is a fucking long game. Enjoy the home stretch. It ties everything up really well. Who do you think is the serial killer? really? fuck i'm only 30 hours in. i thought it would be longer. i don't want it to end :( as for the serial killer.... this may be a stretch...but i think it's adachi.
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