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Everything posted by -GD-X

  1. Yes, I'm aware I get my kicks out of juvenile humor, but I lol everytime I'm called pussy-kun or mr. Fucker in p4.
  2. I think the dungeons are amusing, in how they change in themes and enemies. Though they are easily my least favorite part of the game (they aren't bad though). It's all the stuff you do, or can do, in between battles, that makes the game awesome. Plus, the characters own.
  3. I'm 10 hours into p4 golden. This game owns hard! I Lol'd hard during kanji's (biker guy) broadcast.
  4. i hate shitty checkpoint systems. i would rage quit LM.
  5. noted! i would love to finish it, even if it takes several months lol.
  6. haha yeah, i loved tr, but lara's friends were awful. i like the quirky characters in this game. gotta love the jap humor
  7. i haven't met her yet. i'm about to save yukiko now. i'm about 4 hours in.
  8. p4 golden is pretty addictive. it's so not the typical kind of game i would play, yet i keep going back to it. there's just something about it that connects with me.
  9. Lol p4 golden is trippy as fuck. That part in the tv store was crazy. it's such a wacky game..but i'm really digging it.
  10. Cant say I'm too surprised considering its a phenomenal game but I wouldn't have guessed you would've been swayed. You even get to combat yet?Just the dream sequences. I only played it for an hour.
  11. i'm playing persona 4 golden. it's very quirky and charming. i like it
  12. what did you like about it? how does it top the original?
  13. gow 2 was the best game in the franchise. they should have delayed 3, and then spent the time and resources of its ascension sequel, on making gow 3 godly. oh well.
  14. not very gay, though. if I'm looking for an intimate time with cell I need a luxurious drug. god you own
  15. I'm not gay bro. I get a lot of gay people that fancy me though. With enough moonshine, you'll be ready for some gay action.
  16. If only I had a pair of rollerblades to wear while showcasing my dick.That would be epic!
  17. Is it me, or do they go overboard with the fight scenes in tr, towards the end? Fuck, it's getting mind numbing.
  18. yeah I think you have about 1-2 hours left. Have you enjoyed it so far?yeah!!! It's a great game!!! I hate some of the characters though and the story has been meh. However, the core gameplay, level design, and atmosphere are top notch!
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