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Everything posted by -GD-X

  1. however, the top image looks photoshopped like the bottom one, since the guy is focused (only static images will maintain clarity at those camera settings).
  2. Ya I believe the ISO is set to like a 100, shutter speed is 1 minute (or 30 seconds I forget), And aperture is f/16.
  3. i'm sure it owns. i will get it eventually since i like these types of games.
  4. i finished The Room. that was a godly ipad game. i wish it was longer though. however, 3 hours of great puzzles, and a dark atmosphere, is more than i can ask for like a buck.
  5. i want to get tomb raider and god of war. i need to designate a weekend to blast through them
  6. i never got around to playing ms splosion man or mark of the ninja. fuck, i need to spend more time at home.
  7. i never went back to fez. it was so amazing, yet i got caught up with other stuff and forgot about it :(
  8. Lol, I haven't played either games. I've just been hearing about them through Podcasts and such, figured I'd get our resident iOS guru to give 'em a whirl and report back. Lol yeah I've been getting back into iOS/android games too. Devil's attorney And lol rusty. When I get the game, I will somehow need to top "ass pound"
  9. nah. what's it like? i'm really digging the room a lot, by the way!Dont know what the actual gameplay is like but you just create a disease and try to kill everyone on earth by infecting one person and then alterin or evolving your disease. I might just toss the 99 cents at it. Also year walk? is supposed to be really good too.I'll get them both! Thanks! Check out rock runners. Crazy addictive! Gets a lot harder too when you try to perfect the later levels. It's like rayman jungle run.
  10. nah. what's it like? i'm really digging the room a lot, by the way!
  11. i'm playing the room on the ipad. it's a pretty fun adventure game so far.
  12. I've been playing rock runners on the iPad. if you liked rayman jungle run, then you'll love this. While it starts off pretty easy, it gets challenging as it goes on, especially if you are trying to get 3 stars on each level. Also, the level design goes from simple to clever. I can't recommend it enough.
  13. Meh, evading isn't a big deal, upgrade your soaring kick thing off the bat. It should be the only attack you use my like halfway through since the combat is pretty weak. Everything else though... so good. word
  14. Only things I'm hearing about it are 4g and an hdmi port, neither of which I care about on a handheldi added a new sound shapes level, btw if you are ever down for some wipeout multiplayer, hit me up! The same with lbp. Both are free for vita via ps+
  15. I think I'm sold on a vita The games are all a couple gigs for the most part?Ya. Most games are pretty small.
  16. Playing knytt underground on vita. The controls take a little time to get used to, but it's a clever, gorgeous puzzle platformer.
  17. The dreamcast version of shadow man was solid for its time, but I'm sure it's pretty bad now.
  18. Same here :( still remember how epic soul reaver for dreamcast was :(
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