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Everything posted by -GD-X

  1. Ownage! What was Rochard again? (I need to write these games down)
  2. Damn ownage jb The Dlc is out??? And welcome back patriot spy
  3. Please do. It looks great. The same with hotline miami. I got to get that. I bought a laptop last winter and barely use it. I'll bring it to work so I can play these games during my lunch breaks.
  4. wait for a steam holiday/winter sale, shit would go from 10 to about 3-4 bucks Yeah I'll have to activate my steam account on my laptop. So many indie games I want to play. I'll wait for some deals.
  5. i know i've said it too many times already....but get ms splosion man! Is that 10 or 15 bucks? Any holiday xbla sales?
  6. I got 2400 Xbox points. What are some good, newer games? Fez was good, right?
  7. It has oldschool tension, atmosphere, and challenge. I didn't get super far (we were taking turns playing), but I really enjoyed what I experienced. Even the controls felt better as time went on. I can see it not appealing to everyone. It does get repetitive. Though the gs review feels quite harsh.
  8. hows the graphics? someone told me it easily goes up there with this gen's best looking games and they were serious lol There are parts that look pretty amazing.
  9. Also, I must say I'm amazed how good games look on the touchpad. Mario looks purty. In 3ds news, crashmo > pushmo
  10. hows the graphics? someone told me it easily goes up there with this gen's best looking games and they were serious The textures are garbage and the animations are kind of wonky...but the details, lighting and environmental effects really set an atmospheric tone that makes up for the visual shortcomings. The sound design is pretty amazing btw.
  11. So I spent a good 4 hours with the wiiu. I like the hardware. The tablet display is surprisingly clear and crisp. The controller feels good. Nintendoland is fun, initially, but gets kind of boring. That mario hide n' seek type game was fun the first 3 or 4 times. The same with the ghost one. We got some laughs out of it, but the novelty wears off fast. Super Mario u is good fun. Fun single player levels and the multi-player is entertaining, especially if you're the one creating platforms. Now for Zombieu...great atmosphere, but the controls feel sluggish, even when I upped the sensitivi
  12. I will be fondling my inner sheep this weekend. I got crashmo for 3ds, to play while traveling, and I will get to try dat u this weekend (4.5 included)
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