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Everything posted by -GD-X

  1. LOL I've always wanted to be a home-wrecker haha i do remember you two having some twisted conversations. i think i was in a few of them, actually. Twisted conversation, GD is surely involved
  2. haha i do remember you two having some twisted conversations. i think i was in a few of them, actually.
  3. Is everyone going back to this now? i'll always return to the ME games
  4. I played like 13 hours of it in 2 days. That's a lot for me!! I rarely game for more than 2 hours in a single day.
  5. My favorite racer this gen. I got my copy back. I look forward to getting that number one popular spot.
  6. Goddamn you are beasting that shit im guessing you gave up on BD? i will give it a shot again. i didn't like the initial impression it made though. it just didn't click with me. i say give it another chapter, if it still doesn't click then....different strokes for different folks i guess :] true dat
  7. Goddamn you are beasting that shit im guessing you gave up on BD? i will give it a shot again. i didn't like the initial impression it made though. it just didn't click with me.
  8. LMAO you're like an adorable little kid playing dress up as an adult. lol barto is a pedo's dream come true.
  9. You guys are going to have a blast. My sister loves nintendoland. She says it's fun with friends over.
  10. If it wasn't for all the family stuff around the holidays, I would've sold it too lol. Though next week, my one sister's bf is bringing dat u. I will check out Mario, Zombieu, and Nintendoland. I will post my impressions
  11. Lol yeah. I only use it around the holidays. it's still fun with family.
  12. I'm usually the same way. However, I don't feel that way with the wiiu. Lol I think I was more excited for kinect (it's fun for family holiday stuff). as for the 3ds, I like the smaller one more.
  13. I will be playing the wiiu a lot next weekend. I wonder if I'll like it.
  14. Lol it will take me a long ass time. I just love being in the me universe. Though, I will take breaks for other games. I'm probably going to get HM later today, plus I want to 100% Forza Horizons when I get it back from a friend. I still got to get Layton and project Zero too.
  15. Well it gets significantly better once you actually get into the game.
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