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Everything posted by -GD-X

  1. forza horizons came in the mail today. binary domain should be here by friday. hmmm....which should i play first this weekend?
  2. yeah on the last part...I was like...that's it? I did like the cortana/John dialog at the end, though. Cortana's voice acting, in particular, was very good, overall. On a side note, I dug the mechs
  3. I actually liked Halo 4 a lot. Minus that shitty flying level. Terrible I didn't mind the flying level. It was short and easy.
  4. I'm close to the end of halo 4. Too many indoor levels IMO. The highlights have been missions 4 and 5, easily. One thing I have enjoyed is the relationship between chief and cortana.
  5. A hangover sent direct from mother nature was pretty memorable. The level of detail was incredible. It's chapter 7 iirc
  6. this I disagree with. This game has a ton of atmosphere and mood. It's one of the most filthy, dark, depressing games I've ever played. High five!
  7. How so? The game had to change and Rockstar did a brilliant job. Agreed. This game gets too much hate. I loved mp 1 and 2 more than most (beat both 8+ times). Yet, I was able to get into 3. Aside from a few on-rail sections, I loved it.
  8. I finally got a chance to spend a lot of time with dokuro for vita. It's one of the best puzzle-platformers I've played in a while. It's actually challenging (unlike limbo).
  9. You can beat it in an hour and a half. I would have finished it much sooner, but I kept getting phone calls.
  10. Going to play all 5 this weekend. Damn it must be great playing it all in one shot. I'm going to replay it. The last episide definitely leaves room for lots of alternative outcomes.
  11. That was a short, but extremely emotional episode. I look forward to talking about the ending once you all beat it. Overall, it was a fantastic game. My goty.
  12. Damn this ep owns! The first 10 minutes alone are crazy. I will be curious to see what you all decide on (first major decision)
  13. I'm going to finish halo 4 this weekend. I have 2 missions left. Aside from missions 4 and 5, I can't say I've been blown away by it. I hope the last 2 levels are epic.
  14. I'm playing the halo 4 campaign. I'm only like 3 or 4 missions in. So far, it's good, not great. The presentation is excellent, especially the music (did they switch composers?). However, it hasn't sucked me in yet. Here's to hoping it gets epic later on.
  15. i got my friend's copy of halo 4 i will beat that bitch tomorrow.
  16. I agree about jet pack joyride. It would have been even better if had harder objectives.
  17. Xbla and steam I really need to get a xbla card. I never got the recent trials, fez, this game, and a few others.
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