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Everything posted by -GD-X

  1. Is re6 at least more atmospheric than 5? I wouldn't even be that kind to it. There's just too much action, and too many scripted events, QTEs, and protagonists on-screen at once for the mood to have a chance. It rarely ever stops being a Mountain Dew action game. damn. thanks for all the feedback.
  2. whats that from That reality show 'Robo Can Never Touch These.' Lol
  3. they all own Hey GD Yeah I got The Last Spectre with it too so that will be next. Sidenote: Does the cow forum still exist? Haha. Nice. yeah... The cow thread is in the subforum at the the top of the page, called The Lounge. I will try Rochard
  4. they all own i remember you playing majin. did you end up finishing it? nah. i should get back to it. it wasn't half bad.
  5. That's kind of funny you said that. I've been wanting to replay mass effect 1. I miss exploring its universe. I'm going to wait for the PS3 re-release. See if there are any performance improvements. Eh, I can live with the slowdown. I'm just glad the install fixed the texture pops.
  6. That's kind of funny you said that. I've been wanting to replay mass effect 1. I miss exploring its universe.
  7. yeah, that's why I haven't played much lately. I get this way every couple of years. I only play when I'm in the mood. I would never play a game unless I'm looking forward to it.
  8. sounds like you need to crack open that copy of yakuza 4 Yeah I know. That's the problem. I find myself wanting to watch tv or a movie instead, when I have chill time at home. Maybe I'll try it out tomorrow.
  9. My interest in gaming has really decreased lately. Aside from some occasional mobile titles and the walking dead episodes, I haven't really felt like playing anything. I may even sell the wiiu, I was going to keep, on eBay. Forza horizons looks pretty good, so maybe a racer would be a great change for me. Also, I think halo 4 will have one hell of a campaign. Perhaps that will get me back into finishing other single player titles.
  10. You crack me up, but in a good way. I find you entertaining
  11. I really digged the Crawford part of walking dead ep 4. So far, I'm not disappointed at all by this installment. It doesn't have the crazy choices of 3 (so far), but the pacing is a lot better. There's also some really cool parts ( 1 twisted one very early on).
  12. Walking dead ep 4. I'm really enjoying it. The pacing is much better than in 3.
  13. You should lose the facial hair. You look better without it.
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