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Everything posted by -GD-X

  1. It’s mainly the middle. It’s a slog. The flashbacks aren’t the best either. The last few eps are godly, though.
  2. I watched They Cloned Tyrone. It’s like blaxploitation meets sci-fi I dug it big time. The cast was excellent (Jamie Fox as a pimp ) and the concept was solid. I found the main reveal to be a little predictable, but the little nugget at the end is definitely fun conversation material.
  3. Damn, that was an ownage trailer.
  4. This is not anywhere close to being as ambitious as an open world puzzle game along the lines of The Witness. It’s a linear path of chapters with a collection of puzzles (they can be done randomly in each respective chapter). However, what it lacks in overall world design (and narrative), if makes up for with its puzzles and the many way you can manipulate the environment to solve them. There’s shit I’ve never seen before, which is a major plus. There are clearly nods to Portal and Superliminal, but it adds its own special tricks.
  5. It’s a lot better than The Witness. I liked the open-ness of that game, but it got too dexterity-heavy by the end.
  6. I finished it. There are some key steps I had skipped in the final puzzle because trial and error are definitely required. Without a timer, this could have been a pretty awesome puzzle, with one being able to rewind back to the earlier parts at their own pace. Oh well. My score still stands at a 9. It’s only four to five hours long, but when the game is firing on all cylinders, it’s easily up there with Portal 2 and Talos Principle.
  7. yeah, i have a bunch of friends, who are fans of the games, and they were complaining just how bad it is after the recent update.
  8. Maybe. While it's only 5 minutes, it becomes a game of memory (much like The Witness in its final act). I'm sure I will knock it out after a few more tries. However, it sucks if you misplace an object and have to rewind and replace it, since you lose valuable time. If the clock was longer (7 minutes?), it wouldn't be annoying. The 9 mini puzzles are fun (basically, a collection of every style of puzzle). Without the clock, it would have been a cool final sequence. The rest of chapter 5 is pretty fun, with a neat added ability. Chapter 4 was my favorite, though. It really makes you
  9. I’m at the last puzzle. It’s pulling some Witness time/dexterity bullshit. The clock doesn’t rewind if you undo a bad move. I was able to reach 7 out of 9 buttons before the clock ran out. It’s doable, but annoying and not mentally challenging. You basically can’t make a single mistake. It’s a shame since the rest of the game didn’t have that garbage. Also, I found the puzzles in the last world to be easier than the one before (easily the best chapter). Still, I’m leaning towards giving it a 9 because everything it does well, it does it extremely well. I’ll get around to finishing the last are
  10. I can’t even remember the game lol, but I had it. Man, LOST was the best show to watch weekly and dissect theories online. The community was insane, and some members would come up with theories that actually would’ve made the finale godly lol. It was truly a TV social event.
  11. I’m in the last world. This title deserves accolades for its game design. Whenever you think an idea is too far-fetched to be the solution…then it’s usually the answer lol. Some of my completed levels end up being a jumbled mess of planes facing different directions I have no clue what the story is about and I couldn’t care less. It’s all about the puzzles.
  12. damn, that's slick packaging. i still have my unopened persona 5 take your heart edition. that's about it, though. i'll probably sell it since i'm in a de-clutter mood.
  13. @Twinblade you are going to hate Nikki and Paolo in season 3. After the backlash from fans, the creators did something funny with their characters lol. Season 3, despite an incredible homestretch, is the hardest one to get through.
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