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Everything posted by -GD-X

  1. Finished episode 2 of walking dead. That was great!! I like game more than the show lol.
  2. it has some of the same characters from the show, like glenn and hershel. it does feel like a prequel though.
  3. Spoiler I picked Herschels son and he died, Kenny saved his kid though. Same here
  4. Question about walking dead episode 1...if you pick the kid over Hershel's son..what happens? I want to see if your choices dramatically change the game.
  5. Finished the first episode of walking dead. That owned. I love the decisions you are forced to make. I will play the second this weekend
  6. You playing it on dat Vita mah white nikka? Yup I also got the walking dead fo dat triple it owns so far!
  7. Just picked up where's my heart? It's a fun puzzle platformer.
  8. eh i have played too many of those types of games. i may get it when it's on sale.
  9. You play the first one? It was very fun. I'm about to get the 2nd one myself. not yet ;( is it just one pc, or is it on ps3 and 360 too?
  10. Good, and really smart. A lot of levels are really cleverly designed. I think its only real problem is that some levels (not all) require a bit of trial and error. For 6 bucks there;s not really much regret. Figure i jump on this "pretentious indie game" party you guys are having in here. cool. i will get it during my lunch break. it's only $7.
  11. word, you're getting all kinds of dick these days. Mala got raped in the ass..and liked it
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