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Everything posted by -GD-X

  1. 3 took the franchise in a cool direction, at least to me. I can see it being hated though. I was surprised I wasn't one of those people, considering I beat the first 2 many times and, initially, I wanted more of the same.
  2. I love how the majority of your compliment was an insult.
  3. Finished Max Payne 3. Great game. I give it a 8.5 Pros: -Combat was good, despite taking a little time to get used the controls. Will be godly on pc. -Excellent production values. The visuals and music really immerse you in each setting, which are surprisingly diverse. The level of detail in some areas rival UC's Nepal level. -The story was solid for videogame standards. Nothing close to being Oscar-worthy. A solid knockoff of the Man on FIre premise though. Max had some clever lines with his monologue. They weren't abstract analogies like in the previous games. Yet some were still witty
  4. For those who liked uc1 more than 2, you would like golden abyss. It's the most open uncharted game, focusing more on exploration (more than all of the titles) and gameplay than theatrics.
  5. It has the main theme music. However, it has a lot of new stuff since the overall feel of the game is different. The production values, as a whole, are top notch and service each scene extremely well.
  6. I just raged. I was close to beating this part in chapter 11, which btw went a bit too long without a checkpoint...and then lightening struck and my power went out for a few seconds. Motherfucker
  7. I'm on chapter 9 in mp3. It still owns hard. the graveyard part
  8. damn that's a compliment! thanks! probably because i've been doing the bed head thing with my hair, and letting stubble grow on my face (my gf loves it, so i go a few days without shaving when i see her). The new hair and stubble looks wayyyy better. Thank you sir!
  9. it's the eyes. i've had a few people, just after meeting them, ask me if i had asian in me, for that reason.
  10. damn that's a compliment! thanks! probably because i've been doing the bed head thing with my hair, and letting stubble grow on my face (my gf loves it, so i go a few days without shaving when i see her).
  11. sadly that's my normal face when i don't smile. i have a natural pout since my lips are rather full :( if i did the zoolander look, my lips look massive lol.
  12. Haven't gotten to Chapter 7 yet, but agreed about MP3. A SP game hasn't kept me addicted like this in a long time. Yeah it's one of the better shooters I've played. The visuals in chapter 7 look fucking fantastic. I also love the vibe I had a feeling early on about how the story would play out. I think my assumptions are right. Still, I'm digging it, even if I'm quite certain the ending will be predictable.
  13. Well I'm digging max payne. Chapter 7 is pretty boss.
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