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Everything posted by -GD-X

  1. I'm still very early in ( only on chapter one, looking for that water monster). I'm glad to hear that some characters get fleshed out later.
  2. Do you ever connected to any of these characters? Most of them kind of annoy me.
  3. Dandelion feels out of place with the awful voice acting they gave him.
  4. yeah mike does look smaller. i'm in cutting up mode, so i will be shrinking too. my bodyfat is low already, but i'd like to get to 7 or 8%.
  5. What I absolutely love is the atmosphere. It's hard to explain, but the fantasy setting has a sense of realism to it, if that makes sense. certain areas actually feel dirty and old. The elves look just like regular people, just with pointy ears. None of that Disney shit. I loved how the first city I visited, when leaving the boat, had public executions right when I got there. I can't wait to get home later to play more.
  6. The graphics are better than I had previously thought. There's some pop up and weird quirks, but it does look pretty good as it goes on. I just hate that narrator's voice. He's so gringo sounding lol. I can tell I will be spending many hours on this game.
  7. just play on normal or easy if you don't care for the combat But if you want still want to do good, then a good newbie-friendly build is a few points in magic just for Quen (magic shield) and only Sword (perhaps with potion buffs for great effectiveness). You can go pure sword which is fun but it's harder since you have to rely on blocking, positioning and riposte for defense. cool. thanks for the info. i plan on spending a good amount of time on it this weekend.
  8. hey kitad, i'm more into sword combat than magic stuff. will i be able to complete the witcher 2 focusing on that? i'm not too big on mixing shit and playing with spells. i'm mainly playing the game for the cinematic element, decision making, and solid combat.
  9. i will mainly be playing witcher 2 for the next week or so. the game grabs your attention rather quickly. geralt is a pretty cool character.
  10. Some of the character textures from the 360 version look like 2004 shit. Also... flickering, pixelated shadows when in the forests if you see the pc version on ultra, mike, it's like a night and day difference. I understand the game has a larger scale than something like uncharted 3, so it won't come close to image quality and detail. However, even the scale feels compromised. The draw distance isn't as breathtaking as the pc version. I'm personally more impressed, on a technical level, with the newer ass creed games ( regarding consoles).
  11. For pc perhaps. I'm not impressed with the 360 version's visuals at all.
  12. Shut up faggy. Game looks great the design is still good. However, I can't help but feel this version is visually gimped. It really is like playing at low settings and sub hd. However, at least the game is still intriguing. Though lol at the reviews stating that this is one of the best looking 360 games. I guess my expectations for the visuals were higher.
  13. I got home earlier than expected and played an hour of the witcher 2. I like the vibe so far. However, the 360 version's visuals are really overrated. The characters look meh and the draw distance has been compromised. The pc version demolishes it at high settings. Still, at least I can finally play it. The combat seems solid so far. I can tell the story and decision-making will be the driving factors.
  14. Why wednesday i have to take care of a friend with cancer tonight and i have a condo board meeting tomorrow night.
  15. The witcher 2 came in the mail today I will give it a go Wednesday
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