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Everything posted by -GD-X

  1. My parents unsuccessfully tried to have Jersey aborted during the seperation at birth. He can be easily identified from his clothing, gel, and the fact that his photoshopped smile and hairline are crooked. lol
  2. let me know when you are done with finals. i rather play with an experienced player first. perhaps, it'll get me in the groove and i'll get hooked.
  3. i couldn't get into it the first time i played it. however, i will continue when i'm in the right mood for it.
  4. i started playing demon's souls, btw. is the whole game so dark and drab, with little-to-no music?
  5. My main issue is the framerate. Oh my god it's terrible in spots (360 version). I got used to the controls, so they don't bug me anymore. I'm glad I finally got to experience it.
  6. I liked how one of the side missions led to a conversation about Cerberus. I think I'm at the last main mission. I just romanced Ashley.
  7. I'm on this beach area part now. Fucking ownage looking!
  8. Nah. I haven't gotten there yet. I agree with you about the mako.
  9. I can't get over how good me 1 is. The mako has grown on me the missions feel quite solid. The writing is damn good, really explaining the characters' back stories and the universe, as a whole. And Ashley is a little sarcastic bitch..I love her. I just got liara on my crew. My favorite line is from wrex - "if we die, I'll kill you." I don't know why, but it made me lol. Perhaps, it's because it fits his character quite well.
  10. The controls are bad though, truno. It makes the warthog feel like perfection lol. Fortunately, it's not enough to tarnish this amazing game. I'm only 5 hours in and I'm loving it. I just love the ME universe. I'm so glad the install fixed a lot of issues ( not all of them though). It's a slide show at times
  11. Before being able to install, the game had a lot of performance problems and long load times. Plus, I wasn't really into the space sci-fi genre. However, I surprisingly loved 2 and 3, so now, im able to get immersed into the first. It's also more enjoyable without the insane texture pops and crazy load times.
  12. hell yeah, faggy. game is awwwwsum Yeah it's pretty good, so far.
  13. Mass effect 1. I had never played more than a few hours of it before. Now with the install, it feels very playable. I was missing the mass effect universe ;(
  14. except, now you can wiggle your fingers and toes My penis needs 16 cores if by cores, you mean whores, then yes!
  15. Sk, I will be playing demon's souls this weekend. Are you going to join me?
  16. What about Electro Dynamo? I still remember when he told us all he had cancer. Then not long later he said he was going to see the world before he died, I think that was his last post ever. I remember checking to see if he ever logged on to XBL while I still had a 360. :( So sad. yeah, it's sad when a young person loses his/her life. :( i hope electro got to at least live out his final dream.
  17. I should be getting demon's souls today. I'll be playing it this weekend.
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