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Everything posted by -GD-X

  1. it's the same circuit box one over and over (they just mix it up) and this one easy puzzle in the casino area of the ship. though i would have liked more brain teasers, the atmosphere is so good that i don't mind. if i want good puzzles, i'll play an iOS puzzler or pushmo.
  2. it does! also, the game gets sooo good later into it. i'm on episode 5 now. 4 had a sick and creepy conclusion. it's like the atmosphere is mixed with oldschool re and silent hill. it's unfortunate though, that the dialog is pretty awful in spots and that there are few annoying characters. fortunately, they are minor flaws, since it seems like the ship takes center stage. oh...wait til you see "the city" cut scene. i won't say what it is. however, the 3d and overall sequence was insane. you'll know what part i'm talking about once you get there. Damn nice Can't wait to play more, damn school
  3. if you can overlook the story and dialog and just enjoy the sick atmosphere and fun gameplay, you will love it! they even have a few action-heavy parts that cater to the new school crowd. they are short though, so they feel like a nice break from the tension. i dare say the ship is more interesting than the mansion from the first.
  4. it does! also, the game gets sooo good later into it. i'm on episode 5 now. 4 had a sick and creepy conclusion. it's like the atmosphere is mixed with oldschool re and silent hill. it's unfortunate though, that the dialog is pretty awful in spots and that there are few annoying characters. fortunately, they are minor flaws, since it seems like the ship takes center stage. oh...wait til you see "the city" cut scene. i won't way what it is. however, the 3d and overall sequence was insane. you'll know what part i'm talking about once you get there.
  5. Sell that ugly thing. The game plays great without it. And yeah...the visuals are spectacular, especially with the 3d cranked up.
  6. I'm at the end of episode 3 in re revelations. This game owns hard.
  7. Nice, glad you decided to pick it up. same how far are you?
  8. after playing 2 episodes of re revelations, i can truly say it's the real deal. it's not perfect. the wolves are poorly animated. the dialog is also weak (like all re games). however, when it comes to atmosphere and tension, the game delivers. i loved jill's section in episode 2. good stuff.
  9. i finished the first chapter. the atmosphere is quite good. i didn't care for the beach part too much, but that was rather short, fortunately. most of it was in the ship. a few jumpy moments too. i dug the cliff hanger as well. so far, it's much better than re 5. btw, the demo is not from the first chapter, so that was a pleasant surprise. regarding the 3d, it really makes you feel immersed. screen shots and youtube vids don't do this game justice. it looks damn good.
  10. lol opening the box now, and just realized the "revelaitons" mistake is still on the side of the box.
  11. Impressions? i gotta crank out some work this morning. hopefully, i can play it in an hour or 2.
  12. not yet. i still have a few other titles i got to finish first so i can clear some space on my iphone.
  13. ahh, the days when Japs ran shit. :( They made some of the best games back then. Also silent hill damn the Playstation owned.
  14. i actually liked soul reaver more than the zelda sequels tbh.
  15. I stopped playing TP about 5 hours in but i found its overworld to be quite barren and dull as well. Does the game have any villages like Hyrule Market and Kakariko Village? Everything about that game was so lifeless to me. And yeah, you have to understand just how big of a deal OoT was in 1998. And I think the fact that a 3D game from 1998 holds up enough for you to still have fun with it is a testament to how good that game was. Because PS1/N64 games have aged the worst. I wish I could go back in time and play it again. It's probably one of the games that turned me into a "game
  16. Standards change. Of course the newer ones are more refined. However, back then, Zelda was a one of a kind experience.
  17. I thought that too but the difficulty majorly spikes during the second half with the special worlds. I beat the first half with 113 lives, and when I left off at Special World 7, I was down to 70-something lives. It's a much bigger second half difficulty spike than in either of the Galaxy games. aight. i'll try the extra levels. i never went back to it after beating it.
  18. One of the best shooters of the gen TBH. Lots of toys, lengthy, and runs smooth as fuck. It's a shooter fan's game. Plus it has a great artstyle, depth (for an FPS), and an unconventional FPS setup. It's satisfying as hell switching ammo types and gadgets fighting hordes of enemies. Can't really find much to complain about. It's like Borderlands or FO streamlined to just the action. If anything the game drags on a bit. another one who feels the same i wish it wasn't so easy though.
  19. Still playing Pushmo. It's long as fuck for a downloadable game. I've also been playing tintin for ios. It actually meets the hype. it starts off as an interactive story and then becomes a pretty fun, though extremely easy, game. Some cool uses of the gyroscope. I like the cut the rope type parts. It also has stealth, sword fighting, camel riding, and wall climbing. gameloft should continue to make titles that aren't full on clones. The game has lots of charm.
  20. i loved it. i liked part 2 more though. the only good horror franchise this gen.
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