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Everything posted by -GD-X

  1. Saints row 3 looks like stupid fun. I love how over-the-top it looks.
  2. Playing infinity blade 2. A lot better than the first, which I only mildly enjoyed. A much larger game and more diversified combat. It's what the first should have been.
  3. Do the levels have good eye candy variety, or is it like DS1 where everything looked the same? A lot more eye candy and visual diversity
  4. Anyone have issues with Castlevania where there are game-breaking bugs? I had one where certain qtes didn't happen. I had to restart the level to get it to work. Is this common in the later areas? Pretty fucking annoying. Also, my controls got scrambled.
  5. Ma. Dkc was such ownage. I remember being in awe over the water parts.
  6. I had forgotten how good that game looked. Also a 100 deaths? I think I beat it in like 5 tries. I recall there be much harder levels than that one.
  7. Rage makes a shitty first impression. It gets a lot better as it progresses. Some pretty badass weaponry and gadgets.
  8. Castlevania Los owns. It gets better and better. I dare say I like it more than gow 3. Some fights actually require skill and not button mashing. It's no bayonetta, combat-wise. However, I'm digging the action-adventure feel.
  9. I felt like the only time they delivered with the magic was during one of the boss fights, which was pretty depressing because I wish they had done it more often. Picked up Rayman on Friday, solid game.pros/cons with rayman?
  10. Ah makes sense then, since I'm 4 hours in. How many titans are there? I like those fights. Their intros are sick too.
  11. Lol I just realized I'm only at the end of chapter 2 in Castlevania (just got to the second Titan, which owns btw). How long is this fucking game? I'm only a 5th in and I think I've put in 4 hours. Btw, I like balancing the magic and controlling different creatures. Pretty fun. Not many puzzles so far though. The light-based one took like a minute to solve. This game has pretty sweet set pieces. Lots of variety. Props on the design.
  12. I played another hour of Castlevania Los. Its level design is pretty archaic, having more invisible walls than most classic action games. However, I do like the visuals and how it feels more like an action-adventure title than action game. The combat upgrades are pretty solid too. Im still very early ( I think chapter 3), but I can see why some either love or hate this game.
  13. I'm always getting told off when I create my own threads so I decided to make it a whole lot easier and just post it here, directly. No. He's talking about the lmao hipster thread. If that's a joke, I don't get it. However I can assure you people are always telling me to post in this thread.are you drunk or high right now?
  14. Well, you type like a black man. what do black men type like?
  15. i was going to get skyrim and rayman...but i have so many titles i still got to finish up. i will hopefully get around to more castlevania LOS this weekend.
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